Results for 'Angela H. Reed'

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  1. Spiritual Companioning: A Guide to Protestant Theology and Practice.Angela H. Reed, Richard R. Osmer & Marcus G. Smucker - 2015
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    In memoriam: The who, how, where and when of statues.Angela H. Hobbs - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (3):430-438.
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    The effects of a tryptophan- and protein-deficient diet upon growth in rats.Angela H. Becker, Stephen F. Davis, Cathy A. Grover & Cynthia A. Erickson - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (4):345-347.
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    Effects of a protein- and tryptophan-deficient diet upon complex maze performance.Angela H. Becker, Stephen F. Davis, Cathy A. Grover & Cynthia A. Erickson - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (2):126-128.
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    An empirical study on the preferred size of the participant information sheet in research.E. E. Antoniou, H. Draper, K. Reed, A. Burls, T. R. Southwood & M. P. Zeegers - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (9):557-562.
    Background Informed consent is a requirement for all research. It is not, however, clear how much information is sufficient to make an informed decision about participation in research. Information on an online questionnaire about childhood development was provided through an unfolding electronic participant sheet in three levels of information. Methods 552 participants, who completed the web-based survey, accessed and spent time reading the participant information sheet (PIS) between July 2008 and November 2009. The information behaviour of the participants was investigated. (...)
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    Priming by “predictive” context stimuli in visual classification.John H. Flowers, Dorie Reed & Thomas D. Green - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):79-81.
  7. Howard Pollio.Michael J. Apter, James Reason, Geoffrey Underwood, Thomas H. Carr, Graham F. Reed, Richard A. Block & Peter W. Sheehan - 1979 - In Geoffrey Underwood & Robin Stevens (eds.), Aspects of consciousness. New York: Academic Press.
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    Structural Variation within the Amygdala and Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Predicts Memory for Impressions in Older Adults.Brittany S. Cassidy & Angela H. Gutchess - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Specificity of memory: Implications for individual and collective remembering.Daniel L. Schacter, Angela H. Gutchess & Elizabeth A. Kensinger - 2009 - In Pascal Boyer & James V. Wertsch (eds.), Memory in Mind and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 83--111.
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    Promoting the Dignity of the Child in Hospital.Paula Reed, Pam Smith, Margaret Fletcher & Angela Bradding - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (1):67-76.
    This article aims to deconstruct the concept of dignity in a way that is meaningful, in particular to nurses and other health workers who seek to promote the dignity of children in their care. Despite the emphasis in a variety of codes and policies to promote dignity, there is a lack of a clear definition of dignity in the literature. In particular there is little reference to dignity, theoretically or empirically, as it relates to children. Without clarity it is not (...)
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  11. Study of the effect of intraoperative suggestions on postoperative analgesia and well-being.M. E. Steinberg, A. H. Hord, B. Reed & P. S. Sebel - 1993 - In P. S. Sebel, B. Bonke & E. Winograd (eds.), Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia. Prentice-Hall.
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    Combining value of information analysis and ethical argumentation in decisions on participation of vulnerable patients in clinical research.Gert J. van der Wilt, Janneke P. C. Grutters, Angela H. E. M. Maas & Herbert J. A. Rolden - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):5.
    The participation of vulnerable patients in clinical research poses apparent ethical dilemmas. Depending on the nature of the vulnerability, their participation may challenge the ethical principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, or justice. On the other hand, non-participation may preclude the building of a knowledge base that is a prerequisite for defining the optimal clinical management of vulnerable patients. Such clinical uncertainty may also incur substantial economic costs. We present the participation of pre-menopausal women with atrial fibrillation in trials of novel oral (...)
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    Cross‐Cultural Differences in Categorical Memory Errors.Aliza J. Schwartz, Aysecan Boduroglu & Angela H. Gutchess - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (5):997-1007.
    Cultural differences occur in the use of categories to aid accurate recall of information. This study investigated whether culture also contributed to false (erroneous) memories, and extended cross-cultural memory research to Turkish culture, which is shaped by Eastern and Western influences. Americans and Turks viewed word pairs, half of which were categorically related and half unrelated. Participants then attempted to recall the second word from the pair in response to the first word cue. Responses were coded as correct, as blanks, (...)
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    Pragmatics: Principals of Design and Evaluation of an Information System for a Department of Respiratory Medicine.David R. Baldwin, Carl A. Beech, Angela H. Evans, John Prescott, Susan P. Bradbury & Charles F. A. Pantin - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (1):78-84.
    Objectives—To evaluate a departmental computer system.Design—a. Direct comparison of the time taken to use a manual system with the time taken to use a computer system for lung function evaluation, loan of equipment and production of correspondence. b. Analysis of the accuracy of data capture before and after the introduction of the computer system. c. Analysis of the comparative running costs of the manual and computer systems.Setting—Within a department of respiratory medicine serving a hospital of 1323 beds.Main Outcome Measures—a. Time (...)
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    Taste/taste potentiation as a function of age and stimulus intensity.Stephen F. Davis, Scott A. Bailey, Angela H. Becker & Cathy A. Grover - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):201-203.
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    Similarities and differences between “traditional” and “nontraditional” college students in selected personality characteristics.Loretta McGregor, Holly R. Miller, Mechelle A. Mayleben, Victoria L. Buzzanga, Stephen F. Davis & Angela H. Becker - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (2):128-130.
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    The Spiritual Theology of Eugene Peterson: A Review of Practice Resurrection. [REVIEW]Angela Reed - 2017 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 10 (2):351-357.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Charles Strickland, Nancy R. King, Alan H. Jones, Germaine M. Reed, Margaret Glllett, William J. Reese, Robert H. Bremner, Elizabeth Ihle, Geraldine Joncich Clifford, Louis R. Harlan, Frederick M. Binder, Harvey G. Neufeldt, Earle H. West, E. V. Johanningmeier & Harold J. Franz - 1982 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 13 (3&4):336-387.
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    Science without Laws: Model Systems, Cases, Exemplary Narratives.Angela N. H. Creager, Elizabeth Lunbeck, M. Norton Wise, Barbara Herrnstein Smith & E. Roy Weintraub (eds.) - 2007 - Duke University Press.
    Physicists regularly invoke universal laws, such as those of motion and electromagnetism, to explain events. Biological and medical scientists have no such laws. How then do they acquire a reliable body of knowledge about biological organisms and human disease? One way is by repeatedly returning to, manipulating, observing, interpreting, and reinterpreting certain subjects—such as flies, mice, worms, or microbes—or, as they are known in biology, “model systems.” Across the natural and social sciences, other disciplinary fields have developed canonical examples that (...)
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    The biological significance of substrate inhibition: A mechanism with diverse functions.Michael C. Reed, Anna Lieb & H. Frederik Nijhout - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (5):422-429.
    Many enzymes are inhibited by their own substrates, leading to velocity curves that rise to a maximum and then descend as the substrate concentration increases. Substrate inhibition is often regarded as a biochemical oddity and experimental annoyance. We show, using several case studies, that substrate inhibition often has important biological functions. In each case we discuss, the biological significance is different. Substrate inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase results in a steady synthesis of dopamine despite large fluctuations in tyrosine due to meals. (...)
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    Sex, Law, and Society in Late Imperial China.Bradly W. Reed & Matthew H. Sommer - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (3):626.
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  22. Science without Laws. Model Systems, Cases, Exemplary Narratives.Angela N. H. Creager, Elizabeth Lunbeck & M. Norton Wise - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (1):199-202.
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    The existence and function of inner speech in thought processes.H. B. Reed - 1916 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 1 (5):365.
  24. Adaptation or selection? Old issues and new stakes in the postwar debates over bacterial drug resistance.Angela N. H. Creager - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (1):159-190.
    The 1940s and 1950s were marked by intense debates over the origin of drug resistance in microbes. Bacteriologists had traditionally invoked the notions of ‘training’ and ‘adaptation’ to account for the ability of microbes to acquire new traits. As the field of bacterial genetics emerged, however, its participants rejected ‘Lamarckian’ views of microbial heredity, and offered statistical evidence that drug resistance resulted from the selection of random resistant mutants. Antibiotic resistance became a key issue among those disputing physiological vs. genetic (...)
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    A day in the life of cell metabolism.H. Frederik Nijhout, Michael C. Reed & Cornelia M. Ulrich - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (2):124-127.
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    Associative aids: I. Their relation to learning, retention, and other associations.H. B. Reed - 1918 - Psychological Review 25 (2):128-155.
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    Associative aids: III. Their relation to the theory of thought and to methodology in psychology.H. B. Reed - 1918 - Psychological Review 25 (5):378-401.
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    Associative aids:II. Their relation to practice and the transfer of training.H. B. Reed - 1918 - Psychological Review 25 (4):257-285.
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    Civil religious contention in Cairo, Illinois: priestly and prophetic ideologies in a “northern” civil rights struggle.Jean-Pierre Reed, Rhys H. Williams & Kathryn B. Ward - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (1):25-55.
    We argue that analyses of civil religious ideologies in civil rights contention must include the interplay of both movement and countermovement ideologies and must recognize the ways in which such discourse amplifies conflict as well as serves as a basis for unity. Based on in-depth interviews, archival research, and content analysis of civil religious language, this article examines how priestly and prophetic civil religious discourses, and the infusion of Black power ideologies, provided significant and dynamic resources for both movement and (...)
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    Drosophila development pulls the strings of the cell cycle.Bruce H. Reed - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (6):553-556.
    The three cycles of cell division immediately following theformation of the cellular blastoderm during Drosophila embryogenesis display an invariant pattern(1,2). Bursts of transcription of a gene called string are required and sufficient to trigger mitosis at this time during development(3). The activator of mitosis encoded by the string gene is a positive regulator of cdc2 kinase and a Drosophila homologue of the Saccharomyces pombe cdc25 tyrosine phosphatase(4,5). Evidence presented in a recent paper(6) demonstrates that transcription of string, and hence the (...)
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    Factors influencing the learning and retention of concepts. I. The influence of set.H. B. Reed - 1946 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (1):71.
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    Ideo-motor action.H. B. Reed - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (18):477-491.
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    Plato, Phaedrus 245d–e.N. H. Reed - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (01):5-6.
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    The Combination Versus the Consumer.H. B. Reed - 1912 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (2):158.
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    The Combination Versus the Consumer.H. B. Reed - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (2):158-176.
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    The essential laws of learning or association.H. B. Reed - 1927 - Psychological Review 34 (2):107-115.
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    The Effect of Training on Individual Differences.H. B. Reed - 1924 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 7 (3):186.
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    The learning and retention of concepts. II. The influence of length of series. III. The origin of concepts.H. B. Reed - 1946 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (2):166.
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    The learning and retention of concepts. IV. The influence of the complexity of the stimuli.H. B. Reed - 1946 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 36 (3):252.
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    The Morals of Monopoly and Competition.H. B. Reed - 1917 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 14 (22):613-614.
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    Nuclear Energy in the Service of Biomedicine: The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission’s Radioisotope Program, 1946–1950.Angela N. H. Creager - 2006 - Journal of the History of Biology 39 (4):649-684.
    The widespread adoption of radioisotopes as tools in biomedical research and therapy became one of the major consequences of the "physicists' war" for postwar life science. Scientists in the Manhattan Project, as part of their efforts to advocate for civilian uses of atomic energy after the war, proposed using infrastructure from the wartime bomb project to develop a government-run radioisotope distribution program. After the Atomic Energy Bill was passed and before the Atomic Energy Commission was formally established, the Manhattan Project (...)
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  42. Wendell Stanley's dream of a free-standing biochemistry department at the University of California, Berkeley.Angela N. H. Creager - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29 (3):331-360.
    Scientists and historians have often presumed that the divide between biochemistry and molecular biology is fundamentally epistemological.100 The historiography of molecular biology as promulgated by Max Delbrück's phage disciples similarly emphasizes inherent differences between the archaic tradition of biochemistry and the approach of phage geneticists, the ur molecular biologists. A historical analysis of the development of both disciplines at Berkeley mitigates against accepting predestined differences, and underscores the similarities between the postwar development of biochemistry and the emergence of molecular biology (...)
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    After the Double Helix.Angela N. H. Creager & Gregory J. Morgan - 2008 - Isis 99 (2):239-272.
    ABSTRACT Rosalind Franklin is best known for her informative X-ray diffraction patterns of DNA that provided vital clues for James Watson and Francis Crick's double-stranded helical model. Her scientific career did not end when she left the DNA work at King's College, however. In 1953 Franklin moved to J. D. Bernal's crystallography laboratory at Birkbeck College, where she shifted her focus to the three-dimensional structure of viruses, obtaining diffraction patterns of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) of unprecedented detail and clarity. During (...)
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    Tracing the politics of changing postwar research practices: the export of ‘American’ radioisotopes to European biologists.Angela N. H. Creager - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):367-388.
    This paper examines the US Atomic Energy Commission’s radioisotope distribution program, established in 1946, which employed the uranium piles built for the wartime bomb project to produce specific radioisotopes for use in scientific investigation and medical therapy. As soon as the program was announced, requests from researchers began pouring into the Commission’s office. During the first year of the program alone over 1000 radioisotope shipments were sent out. The numerous requests that came from scientists outside the United States, however, sparked (...)
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  45. `What Blood Told Dr Cohn': World War II, Plasma Fractionation, and the Growth of Human Blood Research.Angela N. H. Creager - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 30 (3):377-405.
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    To Test or Not to Test: Tools, Rules, and Corporate Data in US Chemicals Regulation.Angela N. H. Creager - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (5):975-997.
    When the Toxic Substances Control Act was passed by the US Congress in 1976, its advocates pointed to new generation of genotoxicity tests as a way to systematically screen chemicals for carcinogenicity. However, in the end, TSCA did not require any new testing of commercial chemicals, including these rapid laboratory screens. In addition, although the Environmental Protection Agency was to make public data about the health effects of industrial chemicals, companies routinely used the agency’s obligation to protect confidential business information (...)
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    Phosphorus-32 in the Phage Group: radioisotopes as historical tracers of molecular biology.Angela N. H. Creager - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (1):29-42.
    The recent historiography of molecular biology features key technologies, instruments and materials, which offer a different view of the field and its turning points than preceding intellectual and institutional histories. Radioisotopes, in this vein, became essential tools in postwar life science research, including molecular biology, and are here analyzed through their use in experiments on bacteriophage. Isotopes were especially well suited for studying the dynamics of chemical transformation over time, through metabolic pathways or life cycles. Scientists labeled phage with phosphorus-32 (...)
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    Human bodies as chemical sensors: A history of biomonitoring for environmental health and regulation.Angela N. H. Creager - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 70:70-81.
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    Narratives of Genetic Selfhood.Angela N. H. Creager - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):468-486.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 468-486, September 2022.
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    Elizabeth Blackburn and the Story of Telomeres: Deciphering the Ends of DNA.Angela N. H. Creager - 2010 - Annals of Science 67 (2):265-268.
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